On the king's speech

Posted by Shaheen on Monday 21 February 2011 , under | comments (2)

Obviously HM wanted to deliver a message to his people that their voices have been heard, as he repeated exactly what the demonstrators ask for. Furthermore, he acknowledged that these demands are legitimate and constitutionals. So, what stops us from achieving what we have been dreaming for? I think the audience of that speech are the obstacle, if you noticed, HM has pointed that we have missed many chances, and that's true. many genuine efforts for reform were either ignored, underestimated or even fought. 

In my opinion, The speech has two key points, firstly, the people are doing right by protesting and getting their message conveyed, and HM was thankful for the public awareness & the national interest, therefor, the loyalty question is not valid anymore. 
Secondly, and the message here is for the cabinet and the two houses, There will no excuses for failures.