بيان ادانة وشجب واستنكار لاحداث الرصيفة

Posted by Shaheen on Wednesday 29 December 2010 , under | comments (3)

يتقدم ابناء الشعب الاردني الواحد من مختلف الاصول والمنابت بالاعتذار عما بدى من اهالي مدينة الرصيفة تجاه الاخوة الاشقاء الصواينة, ويؤكد الاردنيون ان احداث الرصيفة معزولة ولاتمثل اخلاق الاردنين ومدى حبهم لجمهورية الصين الشعبية ورئيسها هو جن تاو. حيث يلقى الصينون في المدن الصناعية في سحاب واربد كل الاحترام والتقدير

اهالي الرصيفة الكرام 

ولكوا يا غجر ماقدرتوا تقعوا الا مع الصين ...يا جحش منك اله اصلا مين اللي ساتر علينا غير بضاعة الصين؟ من وين بدنا نلقى حدى يضحك علينا ويبعنا بالرخص غيرهم يعني فوق ما احنا ماكلين هوى من حكومتنا المحلية بدكو تجيبولنا مشاكل مع ناس احنا مش قدهم ..هذول بيخلونا نجلي (من جلوة مش من جلي الصحون) على سيبيريا

ماذا حدث في السلط

Posted by Shaheen on Saturday 27 November 2010 , under | comments (0)

التوقيت كان الاكثر حرجا...فبعد اسدال الستار على الانتخابات بكل حسناتها وسيئاتها وقبيل افتتاح مرحلة جديدة في السياسة الاردنية..حدث الاسوأ وصدقت توقعات منتقدي قانون واجراء الانتخاب ..تفجر العنف العشائري ..وساهم خطأ مزدوج من الشاب المرحوم وافراد الامن العام ..ساهم في تفريغ شحنات من الغضب المكبوت .

للحظة..بدى ان كل انجازات الدولة الاردنية باتت هباءا منثورا ..فقد عدنا قبائل متناحرة يقتل بعضا بعضا..ومع ثورات الدم ..تحولت نظرة الناس الى الامن العام من صمام امان البلد الى سبب من اسباب التوتر ..تدحرجت الاطارت المشتعلة وتطايرات القنابل المسيلة للدموع.

كون الامن العام الواجهة الاولى للدولة مقابل المواطن..تحمل الجهازغضبة الناس واضطرت الدولة للعودة الى اللغة التي يتحدث بها رجل الشارع ..اعترفت بالخطأ وطلبت الامهال ..وللحق كان للنواب الجدد من المدينة والاعيان التقليدين فيها دور في استعادة الاتزان للمدينة..كان الثمن القفز على القانون والتعامل بروحه..محافظ البلقاء طلب عطة اعترافمن اهل المرحوم قبلها الاهالي وهدأت نسبيا.

انتبه مدير الامن العام للخطأ ..واستلم زمام الامور بعد تأخير غير مبرر..رفض العطوة واعتبرها خطأ من الداخلية..احكم القبضة على شغب الشوارع بالتوازي مع زيارة اهل الحل والعقد وزار اهالي المرحوم..لاشيء مدبر ..الخطأ وقع وعلينا الاعتراف ومحاسبة الجاني. كان افضل ما عمله الضابط القادم من رحم العسكرية الاردنية ثم الدبوماسية الخارجية الاردنية ..افضل عمله انه رفض كشف اسم من اطلق النارعلى القتيل واوقف تدهور الامور لتكون بين عشيرة المقتول والقاتل وتحمل المسؤولية بصفة القاتل ابنا للامن العام وبصفة المجالي رئيسا للجهاز.

بعض المنطق في خضم الجنون اوقف العاصفة ..توافد رجال الدولة الى بيت العزاء واستلم العقلاء زمام الامور.

السؤال الاهم هو متى يتوقف العنف الاجتماعي العشائري ؟ من الجامعات للانتخابات ..كيف ساهم قانون الانتخابات بدوائره الفرعية بتأجيج العنف واستفزاز الناخبين ثم المرشحين الخاسرين؟ الى سيبقى اداء مؤسسات الدولة مرهونا بنوعية الرجال القائمين على هذ المؤسسات ..كيف يمكن دراسة اثر التشريعات والقوانين على الناس وكيف كيف نحافظ على هيبة الدولة واحترام القوانين بالتوازي مع احترام المواطن والحفاظ على كرامته وحريته؟

من المفترض ان الدولة الاردنية اتت بخيرة مواطينيها ووضعتهم في مجلس الامة بشقيه وفي الحكومة والديوان الملكي..على هؤلاء تقع مسؤولية اجابة كل هذه الاسئلة بل وتطبيق الاجوبة 

حتى ذلك الحين وبعده..حمى الله الاردن والاردنين

2010 Elections.

Posted by Shaheen on Thursday 11 November 2010 , under | comments (6)

In spite of all flaws and imperfections in the elections law, people this time were smarter. who reached the parliament are better than 2007 batch, still its a social parliament rather a political one with enhancements in the quality of elected men.

There is better and there is the best, 2010 was not the best , Jordanians deserve more transparency and sense in the elections law. No reason can justify why the government did not publish the losers votes number.

18,000 votes in 2007 and 2000 votes only in 2010 means one thing, 2007 elections were highly manipulated.

On the other hand, tribes proved again that they are the most fundamental building block in the Jordanian political/social hierarchy as they had deep faith in the intentions behind the call for this elections. Many of them considered it a duty call from the state head for recommending the best men for his majesty.

Tribes leaders who reached 2007 by money were business men, now the picture is a little bit different, true leaders who earned respect from people and helped in solving problems and brining the good of Jordanians are back to the front line, this on the long term, will help in soothing the social violence and will get more participation from people in the domestic affairs.

The biggest question marks will remain unanswered, what is the role of the parliament, How can good elected men bring good outcome?, when will government stop hijacking the legislative role by issuing temporary laws? when we have effective anti corruption measures under the dome?

To sum up, it was a positive move, However, for the prosper, strong and secure Jordan that we look for, it was not enough, we still need more.

New media in Jordan

Posted by Shaheen on Monday 1 November 2010 , under | comments (0)

2010 marks the real beginning of the new media era in Jordan. Online newspapers started exerting pressure on the government and stood against the official stance. 

The parliament absence gave more importance for the newly born journalism as it  has been the only government opponent since his majesty King Abdullah II has dissolved the former parliament. Disputes started as interests conflict, the peak was when the government decided to block online newspapers in its premises and issued a stone ages temporary law to control the new journalism arena that was occupied by sometimes-unwanted-voices. 

The reason of the new journalism success was coming basically from its commitment to the daily burdens of Jordan ordinary citizen, people find editors and columnists who touch public pains and concerns, on the contrast to official news papers where journalist try to justify government decisions and convince the people to digest what they don't like. 

Another reason is the loyalty of these newspapers to the Hashimite regime. New media does not clash with the fundamentals of this country; on the contrary, those journalists consider themselves the true messengers of the king will in reform and development. Therefore, according to them, they do a very patriotic act by protecting the kingdom interests from governmental powers and official corruption. For all that, new Journalism has been supported by the royal court, this was shown clearly by the royal instruction to amend the electronic media law and edit what upset the new journalists.

Still, new media represents the political environment in Jordan with all of its complications. There are always journalists and publishers who try to use their posts for their own interest and make benefit out of it. Hypocrisy, provoking and lack of professionalism are existed illnesses in Jordan's new media. 

The other face of the new media is the blog world, Twitter and Facebook, which have been used mainly by Jordan youth to express themselves, the product is a momentum driving for change and pushing for a wider horizon. Sometime its only a space to vent out but in many cases its a positive change. 

7iber.com and Jo twit are good examples on how youth use media to raise their concerns and discuss their views for contemporary issues that definitely affect their presence and future. People there meet virtually and create initiatives to translate their will for a better Jordan in actions. Also, these online communities are needed to fill the space that is left  by the official failure  to accommodate youths power and translate it into productive bodies. This failure has been shown clearly in universities and high education institutes in Jordan, and it was shown too in "Hay2t shabab kolona alordon" which no one hears about it now. 

To sum up, lack of true representative bodies and the bureaucratic administration force people ,especially youth, to go online trying to achieve what they could not achieve offline. 

Its a positive driving force, aims to consolidate youths momentum in a healthy environment and a productive endeavor.

على قولة اخوانا السوريين

Posted by Shaheen on Thursday 28 October 2010 , under | comments (5)

     الوزير ملحس بئ البحصة

ليش العالم قامت قيامتها على الوزير ملحس ..الشب كان يشعبر عن احباطاته مع الاعلام
بما انه وزير بيئة والوعي البيئي مسؤولية جزئية للاعلام يعني في معه حق

ليش الصحف الالكترونية صارت من المحرمات؟ يا اخي نفس الصحفيين داقين في بعض وبنذكر كيف اخر انتخابات للصحفيين كان فيها قناوي وهوش ؟ ولا ضغط الصحف على الحكومة صار يولد تاثير غير ايجابي ؟
يعني تبادل مصالح ..ياصحافة هي ضحينا بالوزير فمشولنا موضوع الانتخابات وبلا كثرة حكي ونقد

وعلى سيرة الانتخابات ...العرب اليوم نشرت اليوم تقرير مفاده (حلوة هاي مفاده) المهم نصف مليون اردني فقط سيحددون مصير النواب الجدد بعد استثناء المغتربين والحجاج والمقاطعين والمعادين والمنقولين 
بس الفكرة بتظل جذابة انه في وزير بنشال على خطأه ..

الانتخاب والانتحاب

Posted by Shaheen on Sunday 10 October 2010 , under , | comments (0)

Elections campaign has started, against the government will, the head news : arresting 35 activists from the Islamic front, something that used to prove that the government is not honest in the political reform plan, and put a big question mark on its alleged efforts in creating a new healthy political environment in the kingdom.

Another black image was drawn this morning by Rana sabagh article in Alarab alyaom, where she shed a light on vote selling and compromising between candidates and voters. Basically, her point was the government measures against "political money" were not efficient, because people don't expect any positive difference out of this election, so, they want to take the only available and confirmed benefit :their votes prices.

Personally and unfortunately, I don't care for 2010 elections, for many reasons, on top of them is that the government has stolen the legislative role of the parliament for many years, by issuing hundreds on Temporary law, so , what is the benefit of having a parliament while the government stamps all laws by itself.

Another reason, is that the political environment in Jordan is poisoned and corrupt, people use their posts to make money and facilitate their business, there are no lines between what is personal and what is public.

In last two weeks only we knew about two corruption scandals with total amount of 110 million which takes us for another question, what was the previous parliaments role in combating corruption? some would say they were in the middle of each and every scandal. Also, I really want to know what happened in 2007 elections, was it really manipulated?  who did that ? why was there no investigations?

Finally, and most importantly, what worries me is that violence in our society will take a new boost by elections, especially in tribal areas where people have been severely biased toward their candidates. The elections will be a potential spark that will ignite fires. Hopefully, we can pass that day with minimum harm.


Posted by Shaheen on Monday 20 September 2010 , under | comments (0)

3 PM in one of the gulf cities, extremely hot and humid weather, picked the phone, ordered a KFC meal and went to take a shower, the best thing that you might do after a working day in field.

30 Minutes later I was done with my shower, the phone rang, food is here, opened the door to see the delivery guy sweating and exhausted, I looked behind him, he cam by a motor cycle wearing a heavy helmet all the way from KFC center to my home.

I asked him with a refreshing tone to cheer him ..
Me: what happened to you car man.
He: No cars anymore sir.
Me: ..shocked ..why ?! you need the AC in this killing weather.

He: ..company told us..cars are expensive and Business does not  make good money like before..so they decided to cut cost by replacing cars by motorcycle.

Me: what ! you will be killed under this unmerciful sun..humidity and the helmet you wear..you wont survive.

He: sir...either we drive motors or we will be fired.

I stopped here..and somehow lost my appetite... I was thinking how much of our luxury is built on the burdens of others..how this city changed in one year..
how can we enjoy a fresh meal while it was brought by exhausted and drained  person ...a new slavery.

 I've stopped ordering food by phone since that day.

4 X 4

Posted by Shaheen on Saturday 14 August 2010 , under | comments (6)

يمكن تفاجأت بالفكرة ...انه التخطيط على المدى البعيد مش من مهاراتي ولاعمري فكرت على مستوى خطة رباعية
شكر لزميلتنا
على الفكرة 

اولا: انهاء الماجستير اللي رح ابدا في قريبا ..الله يستر من النتائج مع عجقة الشغل والسفر 

ثانيا: مشروع صغير بالاردن عملا بالقول الحجر اللي في بلدك الك ولولدك

ثالثا: انشالله وبعد طول غياب بلكي الاقي الانسة المصون صاحبة العفاف واطلق العزوبية واخلص من الصياعة على القهاوي   بنصاص الليالي

  رابعا: بعد الماستر انشالله بدي انتقل على اي فرع للشركة بره المنطقة ..يعني بدي بلد الحرارة ما بتطلع فيه عن 30 درجة بعز الصيف

  اخيرا اهم شي انه ربنا يديم علينا نعمته ويتتم علينا توفيقه وما يركنا على انفسنا

الفكر حلوة ...بعد اربع سنين بنيجي نشوف شو تحقق من هالاهداف 


الليل واخره

Posted by Shaheen on Monday 9 August 2010 , under | comments (9)

All or nothing is possible only in movies and novels, when it comes to practical life, there are always compromises and trade off, just when think you are building your empire abroad, you realize that you are losing your ground castle at home.

Life hates vacuum, once you leave be sure there is someone at least tries to fill you space, and another one misses you in that space, does the new fill it ? does not matter, the point is your are turned to be replaceable. this is too bad for you, that is if you are really knows what is the space and how much you liked filling it. This is very harmful when you need your space 100% pure. not affected by anyone else dirt. even if you got it back, would you be happy ..no.

you know that you will be open more, you know that the siege you have held around yourself has come to an end, not because of you, its caused by the change you created in you and others life. you ended to look for what you miss, so you remove the rock that you kept on your heart, since  you found the key of the lock that you closed well around it.

There is always that girl who convinces your mind before enters your heart, there is that angelic combination of intelligences, elegance and charm. the result is respect and admiration toward her. but it seems this also comes with an x. ...another his/him/he ruins the whole atmosphere.

Did not you understand anything of the above ...no problem.

I'm having few off days before Ramadan...My project got delayed 2 months which means staying the whole holy month at home making taboleh..

kol 3am o ento bkher

Honor or no honor, same destiny

Posted by Shaheen on Thursday 10 June 2010 , under | comments (6)

It is known that girls who have relations out of marriage knot and got caught or suspected, will be murdered. There are smart girls who do whatever they want but maintain the conservative look and get away with what they have done ...mish mawdo3na.

The new thing here is even girls who are decent, religious and true conservatives go to the same destiny if they decide to decide their future partner by their own, they get the same destiny of girls of caught having sex .....six feet under ...by relative shoots,

A sad story was published in Jordanian media today, for a girl whom was killed by her two cousins just because she refused to marry her cousin and picked another partner, the murder happened in a court where the girl was assumed to tie the knot with her life partner..

Click here to read details

it's sad ..disguisting brutal ..non humane o garaf ygrfna 3ala heak 3esheh

this story reminds me with another one happened in madaba one year ago, when a girl had a relation with a guy and they decided to get married later, which they did, had a baby, her brother's did not forgive her and plotted to kill her in the wedding of her and their bother, the invitation was a trap to caught her, they gave her the illusion that everything is ok and the past has gone with the wind, I'm sure she went to their home happy with full make up...spent the last three nights shopping for a new dress,,when she reached the gate  ..she got a 20 bulle worm and blooded welcome.


Posted by Shaheen on Friday 21 May 2010 , under | comments (4)

For Ages, British Petroleum has been an icon  in the oil and gas industry, professional work, highsafetyy standard and commitment for environment saving and local communities development.

All that shining history has vanished in few moments when Horizon drilling platformm burned and sunk in theMexicann gulf. They are in deep Shit now, now cure for the oil leak in the near future. this is exactly the situation we describe in Jordanianlanguagee as 6abalt, people who play trix know wht am talking about.

when it drums, it drum hardly....(a phrase taken from my brother who studys medicen in Techno)

Sentimental thoughts

Posted by Shaheen on Sunday 9 May 2010 , under | comments (2)

Since my teenage, I've held a big respect and admiration for a kind of girls who are successful both in work and education, supported respected and trusted by their families, not extremely beautiful but beautiful enough to make you feel their femininity, and most importantly, kind and warm.

Because it's the nature of people. we look for the other half, people come people go, those girls find them falling in love with guys. It's not wrong, what is better than finding your soul mate . It completes their personalities and adds an emotional success to their educational and professional success. They fly by wings of happiness, and they deserved it.

Things are not always smooth and perfect, they guy either is fooling around or is not ready yet for commitment, sometime there are differences in understanding the relation, she thought she is a bride while he was only looking for a girl friend.

People are responsible for their decision, obviously, being in a relation is a risky decision, probabilities are many, and the girl has to take her share of the blame, However, Men are able more to get over failed relations, it might be the differences in our physics and hormones, but its clear that girls are more devasteated over missing a possible so-called lover.

She might created unrealistic and different image about the guy, she might loved the guy whom she though he is not whom he is in real. Again, should she get the blame maybe, but this is not my concern here, what I'm saying is her life in the post-relation era, will she spoil the great success she have achieved over years for someone? or should she put aside the happiness in here life just because a guy was different than what she thought he is, and plunge herself in deep sadness and darkness.

A look back at her genuine soul would refresh her memory and makes her recall what really she is. A deep thought with herself would remind her that nobody deserves her tears nor her time spoiling herself over him.

what I think is her pride should take her out of the infinite loop of thoughts and sadness, that if she allows it to do, if she insisted to be devastated and broken over him, then she does not know who is she thus deserves the harm.

ثغر باسم ام ثغرة امنية ام عقبة اقتصادية

Posted by Shaheen on Friday 23 April 2010 , under | comments (0)

Two news came form Aqaba this week, Irrelevant to each other, However, are similar in one thing, challenging the future of the city and the only port in Jordan.

Undoubtedly, the city have witnessed a massive positive change in the last ten year, I can not deny its one of few success stories we have recently, A narrow strip on the red sea was turned to an important port, tourism destination  and a modern city for Jordanians, at least its the only place in Jordan where drivers stop to allow pedestrian to cross.

In a firm step to tackle the high deficit in the budget, the government decided to cancel 50% of the custom taxes cut on cigarettes and liquors, which brings two important questions, 1st: Is the future of Aqaba as a  free trade zone threatened by government greed for scarce financial  resources? 2n questions is: was it reasonable to deprive the budget from valuable  funds all of the last 10 years?

The strategic dilemma is focused on how we can maintain Aqaba as a point of investment and tourism attraction while making money out of it. Moreover, the global crisis and the lack of new investments make the indirect benefits on the budget "such as employment opportunities and foreign currency income" very low. Therefore, the only way to get the fruit of the what the government has spent in the infrastructure is direct and clear tax system. A supportive point for this, is the new financial resources came to the budget after the new amendment of the taxation law. In other words, it was approved that well-planned taxes cannot be that harmful on investors. Absolutely, This puts the whole idea of the free zone under a big microscope,

Jordanians are familiar with confusions and contradictions in economy decisions. Many knows that the benefit of these custom cuts were transferred to individual by smuggling cigarettes and liquors to Amman and selling it with lower prices and make more money than Amman merchants. Unfortunately, the system was not efficent in tackling smugglers and the load was transfered to the security forces and the army to monitor the series of mountais and the endless deseret around Aqaba which put more burdens on their shoulders.

One the other side, Jordanians remember well the two Katyushas that were fired at Aqaba in 2005, killing one young soldier and causing a big disturbance at the time. The worst came few months later when terrorist who came from the point where Katyusha launchers sneak to Jordan, bombed three hotels in Amman. In other words, Aqaba rockets are a sing of a bigger security breach that might be happening at the moment somewhere else.

The two mysterious Grad rockets are clear reminders that Aqaba wont be allowed to grow without taking into consideration that it resides in a troubled zone. The only bet we can make here is on our security forces and I'm all hopes that they solve this mystery as soon as possible to give the needed confidence for everyone there to continue working in a fear-free environment..

Another balance should be maintained here; keeping the city open for the world, getting more visitors and transits while holding high security measure against unwelcome guests who are attracted by the complicated geopolitical nature of Aqaba.

To sum up, It seems we need the best of our minds and muscles to write a  successful sustainable development  story  in Aqaba. نثر الرمال ذهبا  is easy only on the Jordan TV.

وكر الثعالب

Posted by Shaheen on Friday 9 April 2010 , under , | comments (2)

His majesty King Abdulla II has criticized Israel for what is going in the west bank, he was direct, honest and up to the point. In an interview just few days before his majesty heads to the states, in a visit where Mr Obama has more time to worry about the Middle east, after sealing two important deals, Healthcare at home, and Nuclear arms treaty with Russia.

The timing and the content of the interview were not pleasing for the Israelis, A columnist in Maariv newspaper has poured his anger on the kingdom, listing what he thinks Israel favours on Jordan and giving a strong support for the "alternative home solution", in the long list in his article the most important point I've noticed, Is the following:
ان مسؤولين كبارا في السياسة والجيش والجامعات يطبقون الافواه لاسباب مختلفة لكن الادراك الهادئ يسعى الى مبدأ اريئيل شارون وهو ان الاردن جزء من دولة فلسطينية.
The interesting thing is that we have been fooling ourselves since 1994 by telling ourselves that the peace treaty has put an end to the "alternative home" option, while the matter is still being discussed between Israelis, the only change was that they stopped telling it directly for us.

Jordan is not weak, we have many cards to play, opening our doors to Hamas will freak the Israelis out, the last thing they need is Hamas on their eastern borders. Also, cutting the technical support to 3abbas military groups will give them harder time in assuring that the west bank is controlled. Before that, unifying the internal front, and having ALL Jordanians in one solid and firm line against the plans and make them aware of dangerous intentions, this wont be done without bridging the gab with the national and Islamic opponents who have been a genuine part of Jordan's people.

Bottom line, we are going to witness tough days, we need to be alert and aware of what threatens our existence as a country facing one of the most extremist governments in Israel.

Wroking under the crisis

Posted by Shaheen on Friday 2 April 2010 , under , | comments (3)

Luckily enough, you have not been laid off, your company is still getting new contracts. After a crucial surgery in cutting personnel the system is supposed to  function again and making profit.You are enthusiastic since the work is kicking off again HOWEVER you will be faced by annoying situation. Since many employees have been laid off, smaller group of people are asked to do the job. Therefore, you have to stay more time at work, less vacations and more travel time. Even you might be asked to do things you've never been done before. 

Spare parts and maintenance are becoming a luxury, you have to deal with troubled equipment and systems and to compensate their failure and/or inadequate performance which put you under stress and embarrassment with clients.  

Your expenses and refunds need to be signed by the general manager! are you serious guys, Does he have time to check my meal allowances and follow my movement day by day to approve travel allowances. I though he would be busier than that.

Trainings courses are  mostly vanished, go read by yourself and try your best because you are expected to perform just like you got trained. Finally, promotions are still available but in form of titles and positions only, salary raises are more than dreams.

The only thing we can say is ..Hamdolla


Posted by Shaheen on Thursday 11 March 2010 , under | comments (8)

One of my roles at work is frequently train new engineers, which is something I love and do sincerely. I feel happy when I see a fresh graduate is turning to be a professional engineer who is able to do his job and solve problems in far locations.

I chose the people who might be good candidates carefully. Most of them were able to learn fast and to grasp the needed skills and knowledge, all is good until now, but these days I'm stuck with a new employee who is just stupid, I had to repeat everything for him twice and thrice, when I try to explain basics concepts he jumps to ask me about very specified details, holding my anger horses for many times did not work with him, and the most I hate is he is staring at me and keep his face close to me :rant:. 

The worst part is when I tell him to do something and check on him later, 
I find it was easier for me to do that task directly instead of delegating him and redoing it with the lost time...simple tasks by the way.

One day after another, I realized that its too early for him to get this training, sent him to another department for induction courses and showered him with nearly 1G of  books, manuals and papers...told him...when you finish reading this come back to me I'll make an exam for you :D

It has been a tough month here going back to the main office in few days hope there will be some change, miss my family and friends. 


Posted by Shaheen on Tuesday 16 February 2010 , under | comments (7)

Our friend SimSim has tagged me in a 7 things about me tag ..3ala barket Alla: 

1- I wear socks before trousers, I can not do the reverse, I feel there is something wrong and not comfortable. Also. I put two pairs of socks in cold days. wala sobet 3ala2 aldeen.

2- I love pens, collecting them and steal whatever comes under my hand, I have more than 10s pen in my laptop bags: liquid ink, dry, blue, black green, red, two highlighter. I steal any pen I like, fa watch out guys.

3- I use Gel to style my hair. ..shofto alwad abo GEl fe sha3ro.

4- I watch w7dat X faisaly matches in the stadium.

5- I'm not organized, my life is a chaos, work, room, office care..kolo fog ba3ado.

6- I can sleep 15 hours continuously without feeling and need to get up. at the same time I can work 12 hours without sleep.

7-My work makes me with no home, I keep moving between places, one month maximum then I move again now in I'm  dubai..sawa7 o mashi fe albelad sawa7.

Thanks Simsim for the nice and funny idea, enjoyed reading other tags and writing this tag too

من وحل الواقع

Posted by Shaheen on Sunday 7 February 2010 , under | comments (3)



My top50jo

Posted by Shaheen on Thursday 4 February 2010 , under | comments (5)

1- I love that Jordanians are on the top of all news, Texas shooting incident, Zarqawi in Iraq, Dr Hamam in Afghanistan, always Jordanians make action.

2- Mansaf.

3- Msakhan.

4- I love Jordan's location, we are in the middle of the middle east, most of our trips to the main capitals in the regions are very short.

5- Yis3id saba7ak ayam alolo.

6- When Jordanians get in a RJ plan they start introducing themselves, in 10 minutes, all passengers will find out that they are either relatives or old friends.

7- Fuel prices are attached to the global prices, I love this face when oid barrel is 40 $.

8- The south part of the country has all of the limited resources however its poor and the wealth is in Amman, by living in Amman I like this.

9-  Jarash festival before assassination.
10- we have four seasons.

11- Special Taxi.

12- Girls put headscarf.

13- Girls don't put headscarf.

14- It takes 4 hours to cross the country from the north to the south.

15- bas al mo2asaseh.

16- songs about, bos6ar, gayesh, M-16, M-60, Rover.

17- Mohammed alwakel.

18- Al 3am '3afel.

19- 3lewih.

20- Abo 3awad.

21- som3a o marzog.

22- Ahmad Hassan al zo3bi.

23- faysali-w7dat matches.

24- There is racism but we still marry form each other.

25- Petra.

26- We have changed Aqaba from a small town to a modern city, crowded port, and fabulous resort.

27- New prime minister every two years [ we used to have a new one every 9 months] so there is improvement.

28- 100,000 Engineers.

29- Most of our doctors got married to Russians, our race is being improved.
[ more blonds on streets].

30- 6okho aw ikser mokho mentality.

31- Hybrid cares are available. first in the region.

32- we love drama, not tv one.

33- 10,000 initiatives, for every thing we start an initiative.

34- hunt birds by "fakh".

35- Playing Glol.

36- even though we are a small country we have many accents.
for eat we say : Ikol (north), kol (wasa6) kel (south).

37- We planed for a media city before Dubai. [forget the rest of the story for now].

38- 25 universities.

39- The sea is dead only in Jordan.

40- Michel Jordan.

41- Aqaba under sea life.

44- Dana in Tafelh.

45- KIA sephia II.

46- Abdoun circle.

47- Amman is loyal to Real Madrid and Barcelona FC more than Madrid and Barcelona.

48- deserts, forests, sea, plain land in 2 hours drive.

49- A nations of bloggers.

50- cool king and queen.

عجز الموازنة وضرائب جديد

Posted by Shaheen on Wednesday 3 February 2010 , under | comments (2)

الاخبار اللي بتتسرب من الحكومة عن الوضع المالي مخيفة, والعنوان العام انه عام 2010 رح يكون اسوأ من المتوقع, لتبسيط الموضوع وتجنب المصطلحات المضللة بحاول تلخيص الموضوع في نقاط:
-          ميزانية ال2010 الموضوعة من الحكومة السابقة " خطأ" يعني تخبيص وشغل اي كلام . الحكومة الحالية اكتشفت دفعات مترتبة على الحكومة قدرها 400 مليون دينار لم يتم حسابها في الموازنة!

-          الرقم السابق بيرفع العجز ل1,100 مليون دينار فقط وبعدنا باول السنة والمفاجأت قادمة.

-          المساعدات" المتوقعة "هذا العام 330 مليون بينما فعليا لاتوجد تعهدات من الجهات المانحة باكثر من 170 مليون. والعائدات اقل ب 250 مليون دينار فقط,

-          للتغطية الخوازيق الفاضحة. الحكومة بترفع الضرايب: على الاتصالات مجموع الضرائب رح يصل ل 25%, كرت شحن 5 دينار ,سعره رح يصير سعره 6.25.

-          الكلام عن ضريبة البنزين رجع للواجهة وجرة الغاز هدف متوقع لرفع الدعم.

وللحديث بقية ..

في السيادة الوطنية

Posted by Shaheen on Tuesday 19 January 2010 , under | comments (5)

الكويت بتزعل على شارع باسم صدام وبتدخل السفير الكويتي لتغير اسم الشارع
مسؤول اسرائيلي بيصرح انه التحقيق رح يطال مسؤوليين اردنين متهمين بالتورط في محاولة اغتيال السفير الاسرائلي
بغداد تدعو عمان لاتخاذ اجراءات صارمة اثر مؤتمر يمجد صدام

ولكو هي سايبة ؟ بلد ولاحارة ؟ اللي معطينا اشي جميلته على حالة اصلا الميزانية خربانة خربانة ما وقفت على اكم مليون ينقطعوا من هون واكم برميل بترول ينخزقوا من هناك

قمح السماء

Posted by Shaheen on Sunday 17 January 2010 , under | comments (2)

*انحناءة الى أرواح شهدائنا في هايتي.
ايها العائدون على متن الغيم "الكاريبي"..لقد وصلتم قبل أن تصل أحلامكم..
كنتم تعدّون مثل الأطفال رحلة الرجوع على الأصابع ، (تشكلون خرز الوقت في خيط الصبر) وتحلمون وتحلمون ..هناك في جلسة صباحية في فناء الدار،ولثغة آخر العنقود في لفظ الأسماء ،و فنجان قهوة يُغلى على فرح بلون سكان "بورت أوبرنس"..وألبوم يُفرد على الركبتين يروي صفحات الغربة بقلم السلاح..هذه صورتي وأنا أطبخ للزملاء ، انظروا هذا معسكري ، هذا الواقف هنا صديق من الشمال والأوسط من الوسط والأسمر جنوبي ..هذه غرفتي، وهؤلاء مجموعة من السكان البسطاء التفّوا حولنا ذات صباح تشريني..أنا هنا الواقف خلف الحاجز، وهنا أيضا وأنا أعطي الأوامر للأفراد..لحظة لن اقلب الصفحة سأريكم كل البوم الشوق ..

لكن قبل أن أكمل ..سأبوح لكم بما أفكّر ، لدي أحلام كثيرة ، بعد أن أهنأ بإجازتي سأضيف غرفتين إلى بيتي ، وأدفع قسط الجامعة لمحمد ، وأزفّ هذا الأعزب الذي عذبني برسائله اليومية..متى ستحضر يا أخي ، متى ستحضر ..ها أنا حضرت!!..قم و"ورجينا شطارتك"!! ..أووووف...اشتهي ابريق شاي "أردني" هذه المرة ..أريده بهذا الحجم (!!) سلمت عيونك يا غالية...
يغلق الألبوم ، يضعه جانباً ثم يقول: سأكمل فيما بعد، يبدو ان العيون الصغيرة بدأت تضجر من ثرثرتي .. سأحضر الحقائب وأوزّع الهدايا على الأولاد الملتفين حولي مثل الفراش..لكن مهلاً، لنتفق أولاً: الدُمى عليّ..و"البطاريات" على ذويكم..اتفقنا...
ايها المحلّقون مع زرقة القبّعات والسماء لقد وصلتم قبل أن تصل أحلامكم...
يا أبناء الفلاّحين الحراثين المتعبين الطامحين "بغفوة" سلام ، وحلم بحجم عين العصفور،ايها المملّحين بعرق الرجولة ، الملوَّحين بشمس البطولة..لكم المجد المجلل بالكبرياء...لكم صهيل الحزن يا فرسان الغيم ..يا "قمح السماء"...

احمد حسن الزعبي


الحملة الامنية...1

Posted by Shaheen on Wednesday 6 January 2010 , under | comments (1)

اطلاق النار على اثنين من افراد الامن العام كان البداية لحملة امنية استهدفت المطلوبين في قضايا المخدرات

انتشرت المخدرات في المناطق المجاروة للعاصمة منذ مدة غير قصيرة...اشتكى الاهالي للسلطات المعنية لكن ردة فعل الاجهزة الامنية كانت بطيئة والقوانين فيها الكثير من الثغرات التي سمحت للمطلوبين بالخروج من وراء القضبان خلال فترة قصيرة

حبوب الهلوسة والكبتاجون كانت الخطر الاكبر, العديد من جرائم القتل  والايذاء ثبت ان مرتكبيها كانوا تحت تأثير حبوب تفقدهم القدرة على ادراك خطورة ما يفعلون, زاد العبء الامني على الامن العام واصبح تجاهل الفلتان الامني امرا مكلفا لسمعة الجهاز وسلامة المواطنين

تسلمت قوات الدرك مع مكافحة المخدرات زمام الامور وظهرت الجدية منذ اليوم الاول, مداهمات بالجملة , اعتقالات  و كميات الحشيش والحبوب المضيوطة كانت مفاجئة للجميع, والادهي كان التنظيم والعلاقات بين تجار المخدرات الصغار والكبار  والعلاقات القوية بينهم التي ادت الى ان يخفي بعضهم بعضا

بنفس الوقت ظهرت اصوات تتظلم من عنف الدرك واثر حملات المداهمات على ممتلكات المواطنين من تخريب وترويع خاصة ان حملة المداهمة لا تحتوي عناصر من الشرطة النسائية للقيام بالتفتيش في المناطق الحساسة في بيوت المواطنين ونسائهم, خاصة في مناطق عشائرية تمتاز بتقاليدها المحافظة.

التزم المواطنون بقدر كبير من التعاون مع قوات الامن وقاموا بتسهيل مهامهم, بعض الاهالي سلموا ابناؤهم للامن بدون تفتيش النتيجة لحد الان القاء القبض على عشرات من المطلوبين واكتشاف سرقات كان مخفية لمدة غير قصيرة وكميات من السلاح
