ماذا حدث في السلط

Posted by Shaheen on Saturday 27 November 2010 , under | comments (0)

التوقيت كان الاكثر حرجا...فبعد اسدال الستار على الانتخابات بكل حسناتها وسيئاتها وقبيل افتتاح مرحلة جديدة في السياسة الاردنية..حدث الاسوأ وصدقت توقعات منتقدي قانون واجراء الانتخاب ..تفجر العنف العشائري ..وساهم خطأ مزدوج من الشاب المرحوم وافراد الامن العام ..ساهم في تفريغ شحنات من الغضب المكبوت .

للحظة..بدى ان كل انجازات الدولة الاردنية باتت هباءا منثورا ..فقد عدنا قبائل متناحرة يقتل بعضا بعضا..ومع ثورات الدم ..تحولت نظرة الناس الى الامن العام من صمام امان البلد الى سبب من اسباب التوتر ..تدحرجت الاطارت المشتعلة وتطايرات القنابل المسيلة للدموع.

كون الامن العام الواجهة الاولى للدولة مقابل المواطن..تحمل الجهازغضبة الناس واضطرت الدولة للعودة الى اللغة التي يتحدث بها رجل الشارع ..اعترفت بالخطأ وطلبت الامهال ..وللحق كان للنواب الجدد من المدينة والاعيان التقليدين فيها دور في استعادة الاتزان للمدينة..كان الثمن القفز على القانون والتعامل بروحه..محافظ البلقاء طلب عطة اعترافمن اهل المرحوم قبلها الاهالي وهدأت نسبيا.

انتبه مدير الامن العام للخطأ ..واستلم زمام الامور بعد تأخير غير مبرر..رفض العطوة واعتبرها خطأ من الداخلية..احكم القبضة على شغب الشوارع بالتوازي مع زيارة اهل الحل والعقد وزار اهالي المرحوم..لاشيء مدبر ..الخطأ وقع وعلينا الاعتراف ومحاسبة الجاني. كان افضل ما عمله الضابط القادم من رحم العسكرية الاردنية ثم الدبوماسية الخارجية الاردنية ..افضل عمله انه رفض كشف اسم من اطلق النارعلى القتيل واوقف تدهور الامور لتكون بين عشيرة المقتول والقاتل وتحمل المسؤولية بصفة القاتل ابنا للامن العام وبصفة المجالي رئيسا للجهاز.

بعض المنطق في خضم الجنون اوقف العاصفة ..توافد رجال الدولة الى بيت العزاء واستلم العقلاء زمام الامور.

السؤال الاهم هو متى يتوقف العنف الاجتماعي العشائري ؟ من الجامعات للانتخابات ..كيف ساهم قانون الانتخابات بدوائره الفرعية بتأجيج العنف واستفزاز الناخبين ثم المرشحين الخاسرين؟ الى سيبقى اداء مؤسسات الدولة مرهونا بنوعية الرجال القائمين على هذ المؤسسات ..كيف يمكن دراسة اثر التشريعات والقوانين على الناس وكيف كيف نحافظ على هيبة الدولة واحترام القوانين بالتوازي مع احترام المواطن والحفاظ على كرامته وحريته؟

من المفترض ان الدولة الاردنية اتت بخيرة مواطينيها ووضعتهم في مجلس الامة بشقيه وفي الحكومة والديوان الملكي..على هؤلاء تقع مسؤولية اجابة كل هذه الاسئلة بل وتطبيق الاجوبة 

حتى ذلك الحين وبعده..حمى الله الاردن والاردنين

2010 Elections.

Posted by Shaheen on Thursday 11 November 2010 , under | comments (6)

In spite of all flaws and imperfections in the elections law, people this time were smarter. who reached the parliament are better than 2007 batch, still its a social parliament rather a political one with enhancements in the quality of elected men.

There is better and there is the best, 2010 was not the best , Jordanians deserve more transparency and sense in the elections law. No reason can justify why the government did not publish the losers votes number.

18,000 votes in 2007 and 2000 votes only in 2010 means one thing, 2007 elections were highly manipulated.

On the other hand, tribes proved again that they are the most fundamental building block in the Jordanian political/social hierarchy as they had deep faith in the intentions behind the call for this elections. Many of them considered it a duty call from the state head for recommending the best men for his majesty.

Tribes leaders who reached 2007 by money were business men, now the picture is a little bit different, true leaders who earned respect from people and helped in solving problems and brining the good of Jordanians are back to the front line, this on the long term, will help in soothing the social violence and will get more participation from people in the domestic affairs.

The biggest question marks will remain unanswered, what is the role of the parliament, How can good elected men bring good outcome?, when will government stop hijacking the legislative role by issuing temporary laws? when we have effective anti corruption measures under the dome?

To sum up, it was a positive move, However, for the prosper, strong and secure Jordan that we look for, it was not enough, we still need more.

New media in Jordan

Posted by Shaheen on Monday 1 November 2010 , under | comments (0)

2010 marks the real beginning of the new media era in Jordan. Online newspapers started exerting pressure on the government and stood against the official stance. 

The parliament absence gave more importance for the newly born journalism as it  has been the only government opponent since his majesty King Abdullah II has dissolved the former parliament. Disputes started as interests conflict, the peak was when the government decided to block online newspapers in its premises and issued a stone ages temporary law to control the new journalism arena that was occupied by sometimes-unwanted-voices. 

The reason of the new journalism success was coming basically from its commitment to the daily burdens of Jordan ordinary citizen, people find editors and columnists who touch public pains and concerns, on the contrast to official news papers where journalist try to justify government decisions and convince the people to digest what they don't like. 

Another reason is the loyalty of these newspapers to the Hashimite regime. New media does not clash with the fundamentals of this country; on the contrary, those journalists consider themselves the true messengers of the king will in reform and development. Therefore, according to them, they do a very patriotic act by protecting the kingdom interests from governmental powers and official corruption. For all that, new Journalism has been supported by the royal court, this was shown clearly by the royal instruction to amend the electronic media law and edit what upset the new journalists.

Still, new media represents the political environment in Jordan with all of its complications. There are always journalists and publishers who try to use their posts for their own interest and make benefit out of it. Hypocrisy, provoking and lack of professionalism are existed illnesses in Jordan's new media. 

The other face of the new media is the blog world, Twitter and Facebook, which have been used mainly by Jordan youth to express themselves, the product is a momentum driving for change and pushing for a wider horizon. Sometime its only a space to vent out but in many cases its a positive change. 

7iber.com and Jo twit are good examples on how youth use media to raise their concerns and discuss their views for contemporary issues that definitely affect their presence and future. People there meet virtually and create initiatives to translate their will for a better Jordan in actions. Also, these online communities are needed to fill the space that is left  by the official failure  to accommodate youths power and translate it into productive bodies. This failure has been shown clearly in universities and high education institutes in Jordan, and it was shown too in "Hay2t shabab kolona alordon" which no one hears about it now. 

To sum up, lack of true representative bodies and the bureaucratic administration force people ,especially youth, to go online trying to achieve what they could not achieve offline. 

Its a positive driving force, aims to consolidate youths momentum in a healthy environment and a productive endeavor.