Posted by Shaheen on Tuesday 16 February 2010 , under | comments (7)

Our friend SimSim has tagged me in a 7 things about me tag ..3ala barket Alla: 

1- I wear socks before trousers, I can not do the reverse, I feel there is something wrong and not comfortable. Also. I put two pairs of socks in cold days. wala sobet 3ala2 aldeen.

2- I love pens, collecting them and steal whatever comes under my hand, I have more than 10s pen in my laptop bags: liquid ink, dry, blue, black green, red, two highlighter. I steal any pen I like, fa watch out guys.

3- I use Gel to style my hair. ..shofto alwad abo GEl fe sha3ro.

4- I watch w7dat X faisaly matches in the stadium.

5- I'm not organized, my life is a chaos, work, room, office care..kolo fog ba3ado.

6- I can sleep 15 hours continuously without feeling and need to get up. at the same time I can work 12 hours without sleep.

7-My work makes me with no home, I keep moving between places, one month maximum then I move again now in I'm  dubai..sawa7 o mashi fe albelad sawa7.

Thanks Simsim for the nice and funny idea, enjoyed reading other tags and writing this tag too

من وحل الواقع

Posted by Shaheen on Sunday 7 February 2010 , under | comments (3)



My top50jo

Posted by Shaheen on Thursday 4 February 2010 , under | comments (5)

1- I love that Jordanians are on the top of all news, Texas shooting incident, Zarqawi in Iraq, Dr Hamam in Afghanistan, always Jordanians make action.

2- Mansaf.

3- Msakhan.

4- I love Jordan's location, we are in the middle of the middle east, most of our trips to the main capitals in the regions are very short.

5- Yis3id saba7ak ayam alolo.

6- When Jordanians get in a RJ plan they start introducing themselves, in 10 minutes, all passengers will find out that they are either relatives or old friends.

7- Fuel prices are attached to the global prices, I love this face when oid barrel is 40 $.

8- The south part of the country has all of the limited resources however its poor and the wealth is in Amman, by living in Amman I like this.

9-  Jarash festival before assassination.
10- we have four seasons.

11- Special Taxi.

12- Girls put headscarf.

13- Girls don't put headscarf.

14- It takes 4 hours to cross the country from the north to the south.

15- bas al mo2asaseh.

16- songs about, bos6ar, gayesh, M-16, M-60, Rover.

17- Mohammed alwakel.

18- Al 3am '3afel.

19- 3lewih.

20- Abo 3awad.

21- som3a o marzog.

22- Ahmad Hassan al zo3bi.

23- faysali-w7dat matches.

24- There is racism but we still marry form each other.

25- Petra.

26- We have changed Aqaba from a small town to a modern city, crowded port, and fabulous resort.

27- New prime minister every two years [ we used to have a new one every 9 months] so there is improvement.

28- 100,000 Engineers.

29- Most of our doctors got married to Russians, our race is being improved.
[ more blonds on streets].

30- 6okho aw ikser mokho mentality.

31- Hybrid cares are available. first in the region.

32- we love drama, not tv one.

33- 10,000 initiatives, for every thing we start an initiative.

34- hunt birds by "fakh".

35- Playing Glol.

36- even though we are a small country we have many accents.
for eat we say : Ikol (north), kol (wasa6) kel (south).

37- We planed for a media city before Dubai. [forget the rest of the story for now].

38- 25 universities.

39- The sea is dead only in Jordan.

40- Michel Jordan.

41- Aqaba under sea life.

44- Dana in Tafelh.

45- KIA sephia II.

46- Abdoun circle.

47- Amman is loyal to Real Madrid and Barcelona FC more than Madrid and Barcelona.

48- deserts, forests, sea, plain land in 2 hours drive.

49- A nations of bloggers.

50- cool king and queen.

عجز الموازنة وضرائب جديد

Posted by Shaheen on Wednesday 3 February 2010 , under | comments (2)

الاخبار اللي بتتسرب من الحكومة عن الوضع المالي مخيفة, والعنوان العام انه عام 2010 رح يكون اسوأ من المتوقع, لتبسيط الموضوع وتجنب المصطلحات المضللة بحاول تلخيص الموضوع في نقاط:
-          ميزانية ال2010 الموضوعة من الحكومة السابقة " خطأ" يعني تخبيص وشغل اي كلام . الحكومة الحالية اكتشفت دفعات مترتبة على الحكومة قدرها 400 مليون دينار لم يتم حسابها في الموازنة!

-          الرقم السابق بيرفع العجز ل1,100 مليون دينار فقط وبعدنا باول السنة والمفاجأت قادمة.

-          المساعدات" المتوقعة "هذا العام 330 مليون بينما فعليا لاتوجد تعهدات من الجهات المانحة باكثر من 170 مليون. والعائدات اقل ب 250 مليون دينار فقط,

-          للتغطية الخوازيق الفاضحة. الحكومة بترفع الضرايب: على الاتصالات مجموع الضرائب رح يصل ل 25%, كرت شحن 5 دينار ,سعره رح يصير سعره 6.25.

-          الكلام عن ضريبة البنزين رجع للواجهة وجرة الغاز هدف متوقع لرفع الدعم.

وللحديث بقية ..